Wrap Up Pajama Party

We had a great Wrap-Up Pajama Party for CreateAthon 2012.

Photos follow:

The Wall in the Hall says it All!

Rich Lewis, from Burlington Press, who printed all of the projects. Hero.

BalletX, Feast of Justice and Singing City work.

More good work!

Positive vibes all around. A Good Night indeed.

Richard and Sarah!

Viv Lewis and Richard

Marci and Greg, in their PJs.

Marci - proudly shows off what we did.

Marci and Richard!

Bunch o' hams.

Monica and John!

In the Hall

Richard won a coveted award.

Dan from BalletX, with audience.

A nice keepsake presented to Richard and Alison. People we've worked with over the past ten years. All good folks.

Everyone get in the photo!

Creative folks.

Non-profit folks celebrate the night with us.

John from Orchard Friends School checks out all the work. 

Monica and Barbara from Virtual Tutoring and Mentoring, Inc look happy!

Rich and Vivian Lewis from Burlington Press. Thank you!

Nap time!

Creative Superheroes strike a pose.

Stu and Dan from BalletX

Almost could not fit all the work from this year. That's a lot of work for one night!

Our party invite was fun too! Now it's time for some REAL sleep. Zzzzzzzzzz

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